Who Am I?

Who Am I?

I often asked myself questions pertaining to my real identity but it led me nowhere. I have had to become abnormal, soliloquize endlessly and become a fool just to discover my true identity , but I was not able to and it made me wonder if I was a bombshell or I was truly God’s image and creation. I’ve said to myself several times without number that every human birth forth is an emergence of a new purpose waiting to be manifested. That I am created for a purpose is not disputable but my heart won’t stop asking ‘’Who the hell am I?”. Not that I do not know who my real parents or siblings are, or that I do not know where I hail from, but I still crave to figure out who I really am. I really want to know Who I am, What I am made for, Why I am made, Where I am to emerge, When I am to emerge and How I am to go about the emergence. All these and many more kept ringing in my head. Is this what who I am is about? If I knew the answers to all of these, would that answer my endless questions about my true identity?
Who am I?
So I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and started analyzing things about myself. How I did some things and found it very easy and how I naturally found some things enjoyable. Some things that people struggle to do, things that required much time and effort and money but still would be difficult to comprehend became very easy to me. I observed that while I did so many things and would expect to be very exhausted, I would just be as strong as though nothing happened and would often wonder why I am just like that. I discovered that when I go for hours talking either through teaching or relating with people, I never get exhausted no matter how long. It became a public knowledge that even when I have loads of work and deadlines to catch up with, I still find the expression to write and until I have written my mind keeps wandering away from what I am doing. Does it then mean that these are my purpose? Does it mean that I have to engage my life in talking, teaching and writing? Is this who I really am? Is my life made for people?
Arrgh! Now, there is a volcano in me that is about to explode but just some few miles into the middle of my journey to self-discovery, I finally arrived at a t-junction where everything became glaring and eureka! I found my answers. During the course of my sojourn, I had identified people who could tag along, I had identified people who were never meant to be in my life for long, I had understood the importance of the circle of people I can keep. I understood that setting my priorities right is key. I understood what it means to be around the people whose visions and passions align with mine at the moment and how it can make or mar me if I’m found with the wrong set of people. With this, I was able to build more on these strengths and work on my weakness.
In my quest for self-discovery, I found not only my purpose but how to live my purpose.
So then, I know who I am but the new question is, do you know who you are?
There have been several misconceptions as to the idea of a man’s true identity. While it is important and very necessary to sojourn on a quest to know who you are, it is more important to ensure that the moment the quest for your identity starts within you, you must get the answer no matter how long. The answer is around you but you must open your eyes to the abilities and potentials God has given you and the people placed around you to help you discover who you are. So the question is not “what is your name?” or “who are your parents?”, but “what are you made for?” Why were you created? And for whom were you created? So, I finally got the answer to my question.
The journey to self-discovery is not one that is planned although can be worked upon but it has to be carefully embarked upon. While journeying, you will make a whole lot of discoveries alongside that will amaze you. Self-discovery is a must for everyone because it is only when you know yourself that you can project what you have properly.

So here’s the point,
Does who you are determine what you become? If you do not/ cannot answer questions pertaining to your identity, does it mean you cannot live your life and be fulfilled? In as much as generations are waiting for your manifestation, you need to understand why they are waiting. A better understanding of why they are waiting helps you define you that they need and are waiting for. So, have you known YOU enough to help others?

Abigael Ibikunle is a lover of life and people. Anything and everything can trigger her writing.  She is a passionate educator,  a public speaker and writing is her sense of expression. She can be reached via:
